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Parents need to schedule regular appointments for their children with an eye specialist. Specialists such as optometrists are trained to offer eye care using advanced clinical tools. They carry out a thorough evaluation of vision and eye health. This means that they can detect issues that the average pediatrician cannot spot. Early detection and diagnosis can help to prevent eye issues that can be serious down the line.


Why Children Need Eye Exams

Children need to get routine pediatric exams for them to enjoy a successful school and social life. For a child to develop correctly, good vision plays a significant role. Vision develops as children age, and it is crucial to ensure that it does so normally. 

If the eyes fail to send clear image signals to the brain, the child will experience limitations. Vision limitations can be difficult to correct when the child is older. Early detection and treatment can help to reduce these limitations.


Why Children Need Healthy Eyes

Children need healthy eyes so that they can determine distances accurately. Healthy eyes allow them to experience natural and comfortable eye teaming. They are also able to move their eyes quickly from an early age. 

They can focus easily on near and far objects, which significantly helps with balance and movement. Children with healthy eyes will reach physical development milestones much faster than those with vision limitations.


Effects of Poor Eye Health

Many children with eye problems do not realize that they have a problem until they get an examination. This means that your child may be performing poorly in school or experiencing developmental delays due to an eye problem.

A large part of the learning experience happens through the eyes. Some children end up developing issues of self-esteem, all due to vision problems. Your child’s behavior issues may be directly linked to his inability to see correctly. 


Identifying Eye Problems

The sooner your child gets the pediatric eye examination, the sooner he can experience a normal childhood. Your child will be in a better position to reach his potential with healthy eyes. Most of the eye problems involve vision, eye coordination, and appearance of the eyes. 

Some common pediatric eye issues include astigmatism or blurriness, amblyopia or lazy eye, and myopia or nearsightedness. Less common problems are childhood tearing, pediatric cataracts, and cortical visual impairment.


Getting Proper Treatment

The best thing about early detection is the ability to get the right treatment. After the pediatric eye exam, the eye care professionals will identify the best course of treatment. After establishing the child’s problem, they prescribe the treatment that will work most effectively. Some of the common treatments include glasses, contact lenses, or, where necessary, eye surgery. Other treatment options include eye drops and stimulating neurological pathways.

Pediatric eye exams are an excellent way to monitor changes and improve vision. During the examinations, the eye care professionals can help in optimizing eye health and providing effective vision care. Vision problems can be detected before they arise. You should not wait for your child to develop eye problems before scheduling an eye exam. Remember, children may not realize that they have compromised vision until the problem is detected.

To know more about routine pediatric exams, visit Berris Optical at our office in Rocky River, Ohio. You can also call 440-571-7100 to book an appointment today.

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