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What Can an Optomap Retinal Scan Detect?

What Can an Optomap Retinal Scan Detect?

The Optomap retinal scan is a diagnostic tool that allows eye doctors to view a large portion of the retina. This technology has revolutionized the way we approach ocular health by providing a detailed, wide-field image of the retina.

The Difference Between A Comprehensive Eye Exam And A Vision Screening

The Difference Between A Comprehensive Eye Exam And A Vision Screening

Regular eye check-ups are essential to ensure that our eyes are in good health and to detect any potential issues early on. In the realm of eye healthcare, there are two main types of check-ups that come to mind: the comprehensive eye exam and the vision screening.

Addressing Common Concerns and FAQs About Cataract Surgery

Addressing Common Concerns and FAQs About Cataract Surgery

Cataracts can make your vision blurry and affect your ability to enjoy your daily life. You may feel anxious or curious about this common eye condition and how to treat it.

Contact Lenses for Sports and Exercise

Contact Lenses for Sports and Exercise

Contact lenses have become popular among fitness enthusiasts and athletes. They provide better peripheral vision and a wider field of view.

What Is Myopia?

What Is Myopia?

With the onset of formal medicine distinct from other disciplines, humans have strived to understand and treat any illnesses that came to their attention. Regarding the eyes, the earliest documented treatment dates back to 1550 B.C. in Egypt.

How Often to Update Your Glasses Prescription

How Often to Update Your Glasses Prescription

Most people wearing eyeglasses for vision correction overlook updating their glasses prescription. Vision constantly changes. It requires you to keep up with the changes.

Common Eye Injuries and How to Respond

Common Eye Injuries and How to Respond

Eye injuries can happen anywhere, anytime. It can happen while you are out relaxing or doing your house chores. The damage caused by an eye injury can be mild or severe. To avoid serious damage, you must know the eye injuries that occur and the ideal way to respond to them. Remember that your eyes are among the most delicate parts of your body. You need to know how to act quickly and with the correct care. Read on to learn more.

How Is Sleep Related to Eye Health?

How Is Sleep Related to Eye Health?

Sleep is critical to your well-being. Good sleep leaves you in a good mood and helps your memory. It also gives you good metabolism. Beyond that, it also affects the health of your eyes. How does sleep do this? 

What Causes Pink Eye?

What Causes Pink Eye?

It can be irritating when your eyes have an infection. One of the most common ones is pink eye. It can make you feel self-conscious, affecting work events and your daily activities. To avoid getting the pink eye condition, be aware of what causes it. Here are some facts about pink eye.

Benefits of LASIK Eye Surgery

Benefits of LASIK Eye Surgery

LASIK is an invasive eye surgery that uses laser equipment to correct vision problems. The doctor uses the technology to cut into the outer corneal layer to reach the underlying layers. They reshape it to repair the curvature issues that distort your vision.

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