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What Is a Corneal Abrasion and How Does It Heal?

What Is a Corneal Abrasion and How Does It Heal?

When you poke your eye or debris gets under your eyelid, you could end up with a scratch on your cornea. The scratch on your cornea is a corneal abrasion. It is one of the most common injuries. However, few people know how to deal with it.

What Is Pink Eye and How Is It Treated?

What Is Pink Eye and How Is It Treated?

There are times when you need to seek treatment for pink eye. But sometimes, this is not necessary. Though this condition can be quite irritating, it rarely affects people’s vision. Pink eye can be contagious, but early diagnosis and treatment can limit its spread.

Diabetic Retinopathy: Symptoms and Diagnosis

Diabetic Retinopathy: Symptoms and Diagnosis

Diabetic retinopathy is an eye condition that arises from diabetic complications. Consistently high blood sugar damages vessels in the body. This damage extends to the vessels in the retina.

How to Pick the Perfect Frames for Your Needs

How to Pick the Perfect Frames for Your Needs

You only have one chance to make a first impression. So if you wear eyeglasses, it is crucial to choose the perfect frames for your needs. They should feel and look good, in addition to being sturdy. We've put together a guide to help you get started.

What Does a Comprehensive Eye Exam Entail?

What Does a Comprehensive Eye Exam Entail?

Taking care of your eye health will ensure that you can enjoy great vision for a long time. The best way to maintain eye health is through a comprehensive eye examination. With it, you have eye doctors taking several procedures and tests to examine your eyes. 

How Often Do I Need a Contact Lens Exam?

How Often Do I Need a Contact Lens Exam?

The brain is a wonderful adaptor. When you start to experience vision problems, your brain will quickly adapt to accommodate your fading vision. Unless you experience a dramatic or sudden loss of vision, it may trick you into thinking that everything is fine. In reality, however, it might be time for a new eyeglass or contact lens prescription.

What Is an Optomap Retinal Scan?

What Is an Optomap Retinal Scan?

Before you notice any symptoms of ocular conditions, your optometrist can detect them through an eye exam. For more accurate results on your eye health, your doctor might apply some innovative diagnosis procedures such as an Optomap scan. This ensures they get a comprehensive vision analysis to make a more accurate diagnosis for vision correction treatment.

Importance of UV Protection

Importance of UV Protection

UV exposure has a huge impact on the health of a person’s eyes. The exposure can cause inflammation and scarring of the ocular surface. It can also contribute to the development of cataracts and play a role in the formation of macular degeneration. Moreover, regular UV exposure can be responsible for eyelid and ocular surface cancer. Thus, embracing the habit of UV protection is essential for your eye health.

Preventing and Treating Eye Allergies

Preventing and Treating Eye Allergies

Allergic conjunctivitis, commonly known as eye allergies, is a condition that affects many people. Eye allergies occur when the membrane around the eye becomes inflamed, red, itchy, and watery. Allergic conjunctivitis is quite easy for a trained eye doctor to diagnose. A slit-lamp microscope will help your doctor look for signs of allergies.

Importance of Routine Pediatric Eye Exams

Importance of Routine Pediatric Eye Exams

Parents need to schedule regular appointments for their children with an eye specialist. Specialists such as optometrists are trained to offer eye care using advanced clinical tools. They carry out a thorough evaluation of vision and eye health. This means that they can detect issues that the average pediatrician cannot spot. Early detection and diagnosis can help to prevent eye issues that can be serious down the line.

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